Tower topper shipped through Quebec…

Tower topper shipped through Quebec port


VALLEYFIELD, Quebec—The antenna tower destined to top One World Trade Center (One WTC) has set sail from a Quebec port on its way to New York City—or at least parts of it have.

The spire, which will be 124m (208ft) tall when assembled and installed on the top of the skyscraper, was constructed by the Terrebonne, Quebec-based structural steel fabricator ADF Group. Work was done at the nearby Port of Valleyfield, which provided space for construction and staging.

The components of the tower are being transported to the US by two separate methods. Eight sections, ranging from approximately five tonnes to more than 67 tonnes, are aboard a barge—the Atlantic Salvor—and are sailing down the Atlantic coast. They are expected to arrive at the Port of Newark next week. The rest of the spire pieces are being transported by truck and should reach their destination by mid-December.

“We have managed many large projects through the Port, but this one has a very special place in the hearts and minds of all port workers”, said Valport president, Frank Dunn. (Valport operates and manages the Port of Valleyfield.)

“We are humbled by the small role that we play in the moving of this landmark in the shadow of the men and women that lost their lives during the heinous events [of 9-11]. Multiculturalism is only a concept unless we truly learn to live and work together.”

According to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which is building the tower and will operate it once completed, the spire will serve a broadcast facility to be located in One WTC.

Once the tower is in place atop the building, One WTC will stand 541m (1776ft) tall, making the skyscraper the tallest building in the western hemisphere. Installation is expected to take three months.

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