CN applauded for climate change disclosure
MONTREAL: CN has been commended by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which represents 551 institutional investors, for the railway’s approach to the disclosure of climate change information.
“We are proud of our achievements over the past year and are pleased with the Carbon Disclosure Project’s recognition of CN’s leadership on disclosure,” said Claude Mongeau, CN’s president and CEO. “Environmental sustainability is a strategic priority for CN, which is focused on lowering emissions, increasing energy efficiency, reducing waste, and encouraging environmental stewardship among our employees.”
For the third consecutive year, CN has been featured in CDP’s Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index. The index highlights companies in the Canada 200 Index showing the most professional approach to corporate governance regarding climate change information disclosure practices. Companies are scored on their climate change disclosure and high scores indicate good internal data management and understanding of climate change-related issues affecting the company.
“Companies that make the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index have demonstrated good internal data management practices for understanding greenhouse gas emissions,” said Paul Simpson, CEO of the Carbon Disclosure Project. “They have shown a strong awareness of the business issues related to climate change, including climate-related risks and opportunities.”
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