Is working for your company a bonus? (January 20, 2004)
Fifty seven per cent of Canadian supply chain professionals boosted their pay packages with a bonus last year. How large was the average bonus? Which sectors were most likely to hand out bonuses?
Find out the answers to these and more important questions about salary trends in the logistics industry by attending SCL’s Career Fair at the Toronto Board of Trade Airport Centre on Thursday, January 29 from 3:30 7:30 pm.
Canadian Transportation & Logistics Editorial Director Lou Smyrlis will present the results from the fifth annual Survey of the Logistics Professional.
Be among the first to hear the results from this comprehensive national study of industry pay and benefit packages, conducted in partnership with SCL, TSI Group and The Laurier Institute. The scientific survey, conducted by a research firm, provides an accurate measure of personal benchmarks, such as education and level of responsibility, that are key to your logistics career. Also included are interesting statistics on budgets, job functions, travel, job satisfaction and the gender gap.
Speaker presentations at the Career Fair take place from 4:30 to 6:00 pm and will also include:
Human Resource Trends in Supply Chain Management, presented by Pamela Ruebusch, Senior Partner, TSI Group
Pamela will discuss some of the current human resource trends happening in the supply chain profession today. She will discuss what is on hiring manager’s minds when it comes to finding good people and then keeping them. She will also shed some light on how logistics professionals should plan their career by mapping out a 5-10 year strategy with an emphasis on the importance of developing leadership skills and understanding emotional intelligence.
Logistics Industry: Future Human Resource Planning Strategy, presented by Deborah Shaman, Sector Partnerships, Human Resources Development Canada
Deborah will present information on sector studies and the sector study process. She’ll include information on the management of the study, steering committee responsibilities, sector study phases, reports and communication. Finally, she’ll discuss potential benefits and outcomes of a sector study as well as funding and HRDC’s role.
Exhibitors from HR companies, educational institutions and supply chain companies will connect you with information and career opportunities. Meet recruiters in person, discover what skills are vital and how to upgrade your knowledge.
For exhibitor information, click on
Register me for SCL’s Career Fair on January 29th!
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Price (circle one):
Students (with ID card) $15.00 + $1.05 GST = $16.05
SCL members $25.00 + $1.75 GST = $26.75
Non-members $35.00 + $2.45 GST = $37.45
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