Verspeeten Cartage celebrating 60th…

Verspeeten Cartage celebrating 60th anniversary

INGERSOLL, Ontario –  In 1953, Canada celebrated the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II; General Motors introduced the EX-122 Concept Car (also known as the Corvette), Canadian Percy Faith and his Orchestra had the Billboard Number 1 song “Where is your heart”,   author Ian Fleming published the very first James Bond Novel: Casino Royale and the 401 did not even exist!

Also that same year, Delhi, Ont.,  residents Archie and Irene Verspeeten bought their first truck and began the story of Verspeeten Cartage.

Founded by Archie Verspeeten, Verspeeten Cartage has been 100% family owned since 1953. Growing up on a Norfolk County farm in rural Ontario, Archie developed a practical approach to business and a strong work ethic that he would later pass on to his 5 sons.

In 1953 when he borrowed $800 to buy his first truck, Archie never imagined that one day he and his boys, Ron, Dennis, Brian, Alan and Mark would build a major transportation organization with a fleet of over 1,400 pieces of equipment. Although today Verspeeten Cartage Ltd. looks vastly different from the company Archie founded in 1953, their values have remained the same. In fact, it is still their mission to exceed their customer’s expectations for Quality, Service, Safety, Price and Technology at every turn.

On November 1, 2006 Archie Verspeeten officially retired and sold the company to his son Ron Verspeeten who had served as the company’s Vice President and then President over the last 30 years.

Today, Ron plans to continue to grow the business based on the principles his father held so dear. As a leader in transporting goods for the automotive Industry, Ron, together with his son Scott and the entire team continue to look for ways to improve the way Verspeeten Cartage Ltd. does business and deliver value to customers.

On August 31, 2013, Verspeeten Cartage will officially celebrate their 60th Anniversary by hosting an event to honour their employees both current and retired, their customers, suppliers, community and family.

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