INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana— CN has signed an agreement to build a new intermodal terminal in the US.
The railway is working with the Indiana Rail Road (INRD) company to create a new facility in Indianapolis, Indiana, which will serve as a gateway for importers and exporters who want an all-rail option for moving containerized products to and from Asia. The containers would be shipped through either the Port of Vancouver or the Port of Prince Rupert, as CN has routes to each port.
The facility will be located in downtown Indianapolis at INRD’s existing Senate Avenue Terminal. A container yard, which is scheduled to start receiving empty containers on June 15, 2013, and an on-site agricultural products containerized export loading facility are also part of the plan.
Initially, CN says it expects the flow of containerized import goods to take between 18 and 20 days from port loading in Shanghai and Qingdao, China, and Busan, Korea, to the INRD Senate Avenue Terminal, when using first port of call service.
“This is a great day for Indianapolis-area importers and exporters who for years have asked for all-rail, direct-west coast intermodal service to the city,” said Tom Hoback, INRD founder, president and chief executive officer. “Anyone who drives Interstate 65 between Indianapolis and Chicago knows what a bottleneck it is.”
CN executive vice-president and chief marketing officer, Jean-Jacques Ruest, said, “this all-rail service will reduce transit times and improve transportation consistency for Indiana importers, making their supply chains more competitive.”
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