STEM and the fem
Supply chain-related jobs, whether in transportation, logistics or warehousing, are becoming increasingly tech-heavy. This expert panel discusses the challenges and solutions to attracting more women to STEM-related (science, technology, engineering and math) career paths. The discussion focuses on what is being done to promote women in the field and help them get the STEM education they need to work with the technologies coming to dominate all areas of transportation and supply chain management. The panel also looks at areas where women still face the biggest challenges, and how these are being addressed. This webinar was broadcast live on Thursday, March 11, 2021 and is part of a series of editorial initiatives undertaken this month examining the challenges faced by women in trucking and supply chain.
Moderated by: Julia Kuzeljevich, Public Affairs Manager, Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association
Presented by:
Michelle Arseneau, Managing Partner, GX Transportation Solutions
Jacqueline Boudreau, Manager, Cargo Services – Atlantic Canada, Air Canada Cargo
Pina Melchionna, President & CEO, CITT
Tara Migneault, Director, Distribution Operations, Giant Tiger
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