CTA to Ottawa: help finance fuel efficiency
TORONTO: The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) and Pollution Probe are calling on Ottawa to match greenhouse gas regulations for heavy trucks with programs encouraging investment in other fuel-efficient technology.
Last year, the Canadian government announced it would adopt a regulatory approach establishing fuel economy standards for new heavy trucks.
“We fully support the development of sound environmental policy and programs that promote fuel efficiency and GHG emissions associated with heavy-duty vehicle use,” says David Bradley, president and CEO of CTA. “While the proposed regulation is an advance in the right direction, we do not think that it alone will get us to where we can be and where we want to be as an industry.”
Last year, the US announced heavy truck manufacturers will have to meet minimum fuel economy standards, beginning in 2014. Environment Canada then released a consultation document outlining proposed future regulations, which are expected in mid-2011 and will align with those of the US.
The CTA and Pollution Probe say they support the proposed regulations but note GHG reductions could be higher with a program helping truckers finance investment in after-market technologies. These technologies include tractor and trailer aerodynamics, low rolling resistance tires and auxiliary power units to heat and cool truck cabs.
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