ProMat 2013 preview (part two:) Tradeshow…

ProMat 2013 preview (part two:) Tradeshow promises plenty [from the MM&D print edition]


To read part one, click here.

Here are some of the products that will be introduced in Chicago later this month.

Kardex Remstar

The QuickPick Light Pointer uses an LED or laser light to illuminate the correct picking position. The light is mounted on a horizontally moving slider. The QuickPick Light Pointer works with Kardex Remstar’s Shuttle VLM.

George Utz Inc

Pallet manufacturer George Utz Inc, is showcasing a two-piece, snap-together plastic pallet. Designed for use with automated systems, it measures 48in by 40in. It can be ordered in reinforced or non-reinforced versions. Standard features include a smooth, solid deck (available with and without safety edges) anti-slip grommets, ergonomic handles, and fields for hot stamping, labels, label placards and mold-in logos.

Intralox LLC

The Dual Activated Roller Belt (DARB) Sorter S400 has bi-directional capability. It enables right-angle sorting of over 60 cases per minute, diverting items into two opposing directions. It can be used to feed into a mini-load AS/RS because it can sort and merge from the same side of the conveyor at speeds of over 30 cases per minute. It can also sort into accumulation lines, sequence cartons, divert rejects, and change carton orientation during sorting. The DARB Sorter S400 uses a modular plastic belt with embedded rollers sitting on a carryway. Products on the belt move in the direction of belt travel until the carryway activates embedded rollers from below, causing packages to move in a direction different from the belt travel


The SRX2 is Vocollect’s latest wireless headset for DCs and warehouses. Its modular construction makes it easier to share the use of the headset electronics over multiple shifts. Vocollect says its SoundSense technology  reduces ambient background noise. The headsets are ruggedized and can be used in freezer  environments with temperatures as low as  -30C. Batteries in the SRX2 are designed to last two shifts in dry environments and one full shift in freezer environments.

Rytec Corporation

The Powerhouse SD from Rytec is a roll-up rubber door. It is designed to respond to high pressure and wind loads by increasing resistance. If accidentally hit, the rubber panel releases without damage and resets with the push of a button. A loop-seal compresses at the bottom of the door, while side columns create side seals. The door comes with standard safety features including a light curtain, warning lights and a wireless reversing edge.

Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc

The Jungheinrich Warehouse Navigation system uses transponder RFID technology to control guided Jungheinrich very-narrow-aisle lift trucks. In addition to guiding the truck around the warehouse, the system controls lifting and putting away the pallet. The system works with both rail or wire guided trucks. If the racking layout changes in the warehouse, the transponders can be reprogrammed with the new configuration.

Seegrid Corp

The driverless GT10 tow tractor from Seegrid Corp can move up to 4,535kg. It uses vision-guided technology to navigate through the warehouse and doesn’t require tapes, lasers, or magnets to guide it. It can learn and store 24km of routes and travels at speeds up to four kph. The tractor weighs 816kg and has a height of 150cm (260cm with the camera) and measures 91cm wide. It comes standard with an LED lightbar and an independent laser-based obstruction sensing system.

Landoll Corp

The Drexel Model R60i4 Swingmaster Sideloader and VNA truck has been redesigned by Landoll Corp. New features include a hydrostatic drive system, a Tier IV-approved 4.3L GM Vortec engine, and a redesigned front pivot/shift assembly. The R60i4 can handle sideloads weighing up to 2,727kg (6,000lb). It comes standard with solid pneumatic indoor/outdoor tires and can climb a 15 percent grade while carrying a full load

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