OOIDA asks Senate to kill Mexican…

OOIDA asks Senate to kill Mexican truck program (September 07, 2007)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) is not yet ready to concede defeat when it comes to a controversial pilot project allowing Mexican trucks to operate within the US.

An injunction filed by several lobby groups hoping to kill the project was overturned on Friday and Mexican trucks were expected to cross into the US as early as today. However, OOIDA officials were still attempting to derail the project as of this morning.

OOIDA officials joined Representatives James Oberstar, Peter Defazio, Nancy Boyda and others today in calling for the Senate to scrap the program.

It may be called a pilot program, but anyone who understands the full scope knows its a pre-ordained plan to fully open our borders, all in the name of economics and cheap labour, said Todd Spencer, executive vice-president of OOIDA.

The group pointed out that the House voted 411-3 to pass the Safe American Roads Act of 2007, legislation that would place restrictions on the pilot project and establish a process to analyze the programs impact.

The Administrations contempt toward the rule of law is astounding, added Spencer. They are determined to open our highways to Mexico-domiciled trucking companies regardless of the publics concerns and whats in the law book.

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