Who’s on the move this week…

Who’s on the move this week [December 18, 2012]


It its annual election, the CITT Toronto Area Council re-elected all members of its executive team. James Nguyen from UPS is chair. Tom Pauls of Stoakley-Dudley is vice-chair. Paul Celseti from Walmart is treasurer. Derek Parsons is secretary. Ysabelle Pelletier of Holt Renfrew is events co-ordinator. Duane Chiasson from Maisliner is special advisor.

JW Jones

Zeeland, Michigan-based SpeedCell Storage Systems has appointed JW Jones to the position of director of sales and marketing for the Americas. His primary responsibilities will be to manage the sales and marketing efforts of SpeedCell products, as well as providing direction to strategic planning and the cultivation of the material handling dealer network.

Amy Barnes has joined Lakeland, Florida-based Saddle Creek Logistics Services as the company’s director of business development. She will be based in Winston-Salem, North Caroline, where she will oversee the development of new customers relations and help grow existing accounts.

Supply chain service provider Entercoms Inc, has a new chief commercial officer. Michael Smith joined the Dallas, Texas-based company and will be responsible for commercial strategy and development in marketing, sales, product development and customer service. Before joining Entercoms, he was vice-president and general manager of aftermarket services for Foxconn International Holdings.

The senior vice-president of CH Robinson Worldwide Inc is set to retire at the end of the year. Jim Butts announced he will leave the Eden Prairie, Minnesota-based company, which offers multimodal logistics services, fresh produce sourcing services, after 34 years of employment.

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