Buying spree for Manitoulin Transport
Mississauga: Manitoulin Transport has acquired the less-than-truckload (LTL) portion of Steinbach, Manitoba-based Penner International Inc, the company said.
The LTL business operates through seven terminals: Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, and Surrey in Canada, as well as Minneapolis and Fargo in the US. Adding freight to and from the US will let Manitoulin provide direct service between Minneapolis and Winnipeg, the company said.
Manitoulin Transport also announced April 15 it acquired Medicine Hat, Alberta-based Exalta Transport Corp. Exalta Transport is a regional carrier serving Alberta and Saskatchewan through a network of seven terminals.
“Our expansion into Saskatchewan and southern Alberta will provide direct service coverage and a uniform level of service across the Manitoulin network,” said Gord Smith, Manitoulin Group of Companies president. “We can better partner with businesses as they grow by accessing Manitoulin Group of Companies’ local and global services.”
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