Canadian Institute for Traffic and Transportation (CITT)
Several local area councils of the Canadian Institute for Traffic and Transportation (CITT) have elected new board executives.
The Nova Scotia Area Council has re-appointed Christina MacKinnon to the position of chair. “The Nova Scotia Council is young but has some bright and enthusiastic members, so I am honoured to have been elected for a second term,” she said. Vice-chair of the council is Mike Cormier. Paul DeVries is treasurer and Rob Pittman is secretary.
The Toronto Area Council (TAC) named Duane Chiasson chair for a third term. Barry Murphy returns to his position as vice-chair. James Nguyen is treasurer, while Gary Berg is secretary. Cheryl Ramnarace takes on the role of vice-chair, TAC East. Dennis MacDonald is now events chair. Directors at large include Silvia Castellarin (eastern satellite council), Ray Krizman (western region), Ines Nishimura (community-centred events), Andrew Paxton, Tom Pauls (associations liaison) and Warren Sarafinchan. This year marks the 45th anniversary of the TAC. “The networking at TAC events allows for an exchange of expertise,” Chiasson said. “Members can connect with colleagues to discuss new service offerings and strategies to deal with the ever-changing challenges faced by supply chain and logistics professionals. And of course, career advice and the sharing of job leads is also common at these events.”
Dallas Beal is the new chair of the Saskatchewan Area Council. Barry Frain is vice-chair, Steve Balzar is treasurer and Cheryl Starnes is secretary. Elanor Walker and Kathy Podhordeski are events co-ordintators for the north and south regions of the products, respectively, while Wade Petrishen is the executive advisor. “We look forward to a greater CITT presence in the province with a goal of being a future host city for Reposition [CITT’s annual conference],” said Beal. “Greater involvement is the key and I am confident that we can accomplish this.”
Finally, in British Columbia, Scott Bennie is the chair of the Vancouver Area Council. Melissa Mulcahy has taken the role of vice-chair, with Allen Greenwood and Dick Hampton taking the positions of treasurer and secretary, respectively. Gordon Boleen, a director at large with CITT’s national board, is in charge of membership. Bruce Waddell and Wendy Feng are events co-ordinators.
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