Light load: How not to load cargo…

Light load: How not to load cargo [Video]

GUANGZHOU, China—This end up. Fragile. Handle with care.

Everybody who has every packed a box or received a shipment has thought, at one time or another, about how carefully their shipment was handled. While it would be nice to think that every package and parcel got the kid-glove treatment, the reality is that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes there is even evidence of mishandling—broken boxes, missing items, etc.

But it’s not everyday that we get to see the process of mishandling actually occur. But now, thanks to a viral Internet video shot out of a window of an airplane sitting on the tarmac at the Guangzhou Airport in China, anybody who wants to watch a prime example of how not to load boxes onto an airplane using a conveyor can do just that.

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